剧情:ISABEL SULLIVAN (15 years old) has just moved to a small town and lives with her uncle Paul, who is the mayor of the town. Isabel recently lost her parents in a car accident. Isabel felt very lonely and friendless, so she made friends with a stray robot dog named Archie. Although it looks like an ordinary dog, it's not at all. He can speak. He can run at an astonishing speed. He has super strength and X-ray vision. Isabel and Archie became good friends. She taught him how to become an ordinary dog, while he helped her integrate into the circle of cool children. Most importantly, Isabel can confide in Archie about her parents' experiences. Archie can empathize with others. Until now, he has never had a family. As summer approaches, things begin to get tricky. Paul is running for re-election and finds himself running against Veronica Taylor, who happens to be colluding with BURGERTROPOLIS, a national fast food chain that has been trying to acquire Paul for many years. Even worse, an evil man named HUGH JABLONSKI appeared in the town, claiming to be...

